Commercial Litigation Attorney Job in Camp Hill, PA Near Me - 247288 |

Commercial Litigation Attorney

Type Full-Time

Location Pennsylvania - Camp Hill

Job ID D2PS247288

Experience Level Junior Associate

Job Experience Min. 1 - Max. 8 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Litigation - Commercial

2025-01-30 19:33:04

Camp Hill office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks commercial litigation attorney with commercial litigation experience. The candidate will handle cases in litigation including trial prep and trial. Will serve in the day-to-day handling of litigation cases.

The law firm has been representing clients in the Central Pennsylvania region since 1993. Its major practice areas include aviation law, business law, credit card defense, professional licensing defense, workers' compensation, personal injury, municipal law, estate planning, and social security disability. The firm's office is located in Camp Hill, Chambersburg, Carlisle, and York, Pennsylvania.

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