Trust and Estates Associate Attorney Job in Medfield, MA Near Me - 296219 |

Trust and Estates Associate Attorney

Type Full-Time

Location Massachusetts - Medfield

Job ID F0L4296219

Experience Level Midlevel Associate

Job Experience Min. 5 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Trusts and EstatesLitigation - Trusts & EstatesProbateEstate & Tax PlanningElder LawLitigation - Trusts & Estates - DefenseLitigation - Trusts & Estates - PlaintiffsTrusts and Estates - General

2025-01-26 22:49:18

Medfield office of our client seeks a trust and estates associate attorney with 5+ years of probate and trust administration experience. The candidate will work on both probate and trust administration, issues of taxation, and trust accountings. Draft, read, and interpret legal documents, including trust instruments, trustee appointments and resignations, and trust amendments. Oversee preparation of probate inventories, court filings, and probate accountings. Produce summaries and accountings for trust beneficiaries. Input information for fiduciary income tax returns (Form 1041), gift tax returns (Form 709), and estate tax returns (Form 706). Communicate with trust and estate beneficiaries regarding distributions. Conduct client and trust beneficiary meetings. Assist in retitling assets, identifying provisions, and executing principal payments. Oversee real estate management of estate or trust-owned properties. Collaborate with client advisors such as financial planners, accountants, and other attorneys. Must be licensed to practice in Massachusetts.

The candidate must have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of estate planning and the trust and estate administration process from start to finish. Experience with Clio legal software is a plus. Notary Public is also a plus. The firm offers paid time off, health and dental, and simple IRA matching.

Your information will not be forwarded to any employers at this time. A recruiter will contact you with more information once our internal review of your resume is completed.

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