Associate Attorney needed for Sanford office Job in Sanford, NC Near Me - 280386 |

Associate Attorney needed for Sanford office

Type Full-Time

Location North Carolina - Sanford

Job ID RQM2280386

Experience Level Junior Associate

Job Experience Min. 2 - Max. 7 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Personal Injury Defense

2024-11-24 22:07:22

Sanford office of our client seeks an associate attorney with experience. The candidate will complete all forms accurately and in a timely manner. Will gather, track, and manage supporting documentation and case files. Create, maintain, and update client files. Analyze client information to determine legal strategies. Conduct extensive legal research. Write motions, briefs, and other court documents to support the client's case. Make oral arguments in court. Determine the next steps for the case based on court proceedings. Must be a recent graduate to practice in the area of criminal defense. Must demonstrate an interest in being part of an entrepreneurial environment with a passion for learning and an emphasis on mentorship. The firm offers Dental insurance, Health insurance, Paid time off, Professional development assistance, a Retirement plan, and Vision insurance.

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