Workers' Compensation Associate Attorney Job in Greenville, SC Near Me - 282649 |

Workers' Compensation Associate Attorney

Type Full-Time

Location South Carolina - Greenville

Job ID ZEN0282649

Experience Level Junior Associate

Job Experience Min. 1 - Max. 8 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Workers' Compensation Law - GeneralWorkers' Compensation Law - ClaimantsWorkers' Compensation Law - Employers

2024-10-04 04:24:57

Greenville office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks workers' compensation associate attorney with experience. The candidate should have Bar admission.

Specializing in business and litigation law, this reputed law firm has three offices in North Carolina. The legal practice employs a sizable group of seasoned attorneys and a highly qualified professional support team. Some of the firm's key areas of practice are litigation, business-commercial law, and insurance law. Over the years, this law practice has received high rankings from leading industry publications, and its attorneys have been acknowledged in top law periodicals.

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