Litigation Attorney Job in Manchester, NH Near Me - 286786 |

Litigation Attorney

Type Full-Time

Location New Hampshire - Manchester

Job ID ZZ0P286786

Experience Level Midlevel Associate

Job Experience Min. 4 Years

Ranking 3 : Mostly Business $$$

Estimated Salary Lower than Highest Salary Band in Market (Varies by Firm)

Practice Areas Litigation - General (consumer)

2024-11-24 00:10:37

Manchester office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks litigation attorney with 4+ years of experience in a law firm as a licensed attorney. The candidate will work on all types of litigation matters, including general business and commercial litigation, insurance defense, medical malpractice, probate litigation, domestic relations, construction litigation, and employment work; provide analysis; conduct research; draft memoranda and pleadings; interact with clients and opposing counsel; work directly with other attorneys within the firm. Will research and analyze the law on complex issues and write memoranda for submission to a supervising lawyer. Synthesize legal research and analysis and draft pleadings. Draft and respond to written discovery requests. Take and defend depositions, appear at mediation, and appear in court for motions hearings and trials. NH Bar License essential.

The candidate should have a Bachelors degree from an accredited educational establishment. JD degree from an accredited law school essential. Exceptional written and oral communication skills are essential. Strong research skills needed.

The New Hampshire based law firm has been in business for over 60 years. More than eighty seasoned attorneys are employed at the firm. Practice areas and industries are wide-ranging. Some of their practice disciplines are bankruptcy-creditors' rights, environmental, health care and telecommunications. The firm is committed to community service efforts as well as pro-bono work year long.

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