Legal Placement For Attorney Case Studies |

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218 Attorney placement case studies


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In-House Finance Attorney Returns to AmLaw Firm: From Law to Business and Back to Law

Traditionally-speaking, we have not seen firms entertain lateral candidates who have worked as in-house counsel only, or....

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Placement of Senior Solo Practitioner with $100k Portable Book with Prestigious Regional Firm

Up until this placement, all of my previous legal recruiting experience had taught me that it is extremely difficult to ....

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BigLaw Mid-Level Transactional Tax Associate with Some Moves Secures Another Large Law Position, from New York to Houston and Back to New York

This candidate had strong credentials (New York University for both college and law school) but he had been at three fir....

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Junior BigLaw IP Associate Moves to a Better Firm to Focus on Chosen Niche Practice Area

This placement illustrates how (pre Covid-19) any bit of substantial technology transactions experience, performed at a ....

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NYC-Based Junior M&A Associate with Excellent Credentials Placed at Gibson Dunn w/in One Month

This was a very fast placement! This candidate was an extremely strong second year corporate / mergers & acquisitions as....

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Placement of Unemployed Senior Litigator with No Portable Book with Sophisticated Firm in Delaware

This candidate was a highly credentialed senior litigator without a book of business who was, unfortunately, let go when....

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Placement of Junior Patent Prosecution Associate Relocating from Michigan to the Northeast

As a second year junior patent prosecution and IP litigation associate who graduated from a Top 10 law school, this was ....

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