Legal Placement For Attorney Case Studies |

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218 Attorney placement case studies


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Attorney Goes to Business School After Losing their Job and Wants to Return to a Large Law Firm in New York City

It is quite common for attorneys to drop out of the practice of law and go to business school and then decide before the....

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Senior Patent Attorney in Miami Interested in Relocating to Michigan

A senior patent attorney originally from Michigan but currently working in Miami contacted us looking to relocate back t....

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Senior Real Estate Attorney Doing a Nationwide Search Finds a Great Job in California

A senior real estate attorney unemployed for the past five years contacted me looking for a position anywhere in the cou....

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Counsel at a Major Law Firm in New York With Seven-Figure Book of Business Interested in Relocating to Boston

An of counsel attorney with a major New York City law firm contacted me interested in relocating to Boston. The attorney....

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Healthcare Attorney in New Jersey Interested in Finding a New Law Firm

A healthcare attorney in New Jersey reached out to me seeking a position in another law firm. The attorney had an excell....

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Senior ERISA Attorney in the Midwest Conducting a Search in the South

A senior ERISA attorney contacted us after losing their job because the partner they work for died in a tragic accident.....

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Labor and Employment Attorney at Small Law Firm in San Francisco Interested in Moving to a Major Law Firm

A labor and employment associate at a small law firm contacted me. They were interested in moving to a larger law firm. ....

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