It also requires sensitivity to matters of duration and expense, as cost control remains one of the significant concerns about e-Discovery, especially in comparison with traditional discovery.
E-discovery can be helpful both during litigation when lawyers search through documents to answer questions and proactively as a tool for preserving evidence just in case things ever get to court.
Electronically stored information (ESI) is any document, image, e-mail, instant message transcript, accounting database, video, website, or other electronically-stored information that could be relevant evidence in a lawsuit.
Much of e-discovery is the same as traditional discovery, except for electronic, intangible evidence. The e-discovery process is formally known as electronic discoveryor e-discoverywhen applied to civil litigation.
E-discovery dictates that companies preserve their digital information so it can be searched, filtered, and reviewed during litigation, whether from a laptop, cell phone, thumb drive, or other storage devices.
Managing electronically stored information (ESI) has always been challenging for organizations. Compliance with e-discovery protocols presents additional difficulties. A wealth of technologies and strategies have been created to respond to the specific challenges of e-discovery.
A new class of technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), is emerging as a solution to meet the needs of organizations that need to preserve, manage, and search their ESI. AI can be used to preserve ESI, manage data, and reduce overall costs.