Private Equity Investments are usually debt-oriented and yield high returns. Private equity firms have pledged billions of dollars for acquisitions and buyouts. The investment's value quickly goes to the top, and the risk is also high. Investors who want to invest in private equity must have the proper knowledge and expertise. The investments tend to be illiquid in the long term.
Private equity firms invest pools of client money in various types of assets, or businesses, departing with at least one of three objectives: acquire a company, restructure it, or liquidate it and distribute the assets to investors.
In 1992, Michael Milken made a big bet against the Japanese yen. The gamble paid off with a massive $1.2 billion profit, and journalists dubbed Milken the "Junk Bond King."
Milken's success as a Wall Street financier signaled the end of an era because he was the first to understand the power of leverage buyouts truly.
In a typical leveraged buyout (LBO) transaction, a private equity firm (or an investor group) buys majority control of an existing (or mature) firm.
Unlike in a venture capital transaction, companies involved in these transactions are typically mature and generate operating cash flows.
Venture or growth capital investments refers to investments made to finance the expansion of an existing business or purchase a new asset to generate future profits.
Startups that are too young, too small, or too new to generate enough cash to support their operations (called self-financing) accept investment in exchange for an equity stake in the company.
Mezzanine Capital
Think of mezzanine capital as getting a home loan for double the loan you need to buy your house. It's just what you need to buy the bigger house or car, but an extra burden because of the higher interest rate than you're used to.