What are the legal remedies, and how does one enforce them?

The treatments discussed are:
  • civil rights and class actions;
  • retrospective relief;
  • disgorgement;
  • injunctive relief;
  • statutory remedies;
  • penalties;
  • damages; and,
  • discipline.

Every lawsuit has a sort of "goal" or outcome, however short or murky it may be. Ultimately, the goal of a case is to recover whatever belongs to you. This can be money, the performance of an obligation, a determination of rights, or other purposes.

Once a judgment has been entered against one party, the other party must take steps to carry out the sentence, such as seizing property or garnishing wages.

The agent should select such judicial remedies that are available, appropriate and adequate to reasonably ensure money recovery.

To sum up, the only way to vindicate a personal injury or property damage lawsuit after a car accident is to try and prove it in court. At best, a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident would include damages for pain and suffering and any property loss an accident may have caused.

However, before putting any chances and stress into the lawsuit, it would be a good idea to start by pursuing an insurance claim. This way, one could try and cover any bills they're most likely to face. This is especially true when the lawsuit is unsuccessful, as the case alone may not be enough payment for the accident; if anything, proceedings could worsen the matters. On the other hand, the only settlements out of lawsuits that seem promising are when the case turns up in favor of the plaintiff. Stranger criminal activities happening in the 'land of opportunities' is scary, but unfortunately, nothing unusual.

Enforcement and Collection of all your Legal Debts

Once a ruling has been made, it must be enforced. Depending on how judgment has been issued, there are several ways to implement it, including the discovery in aid of execution, proceedings to garnish wages and bank accounts, levy on assets, and other proceedings.

In some cases, the judgment creditor may obtain a judgment in their favor, but not in the form of a monetary decision. This might include injunctive relief, such as enjoining someone from doing something in the future, e.g., Sam Designs LLC v. Harry Horn (California, 1996).