These scams can sometimes be quite complex and multi-level, luring victims into wiring money or purchasing a product and never getting what they were supposed to.
There are many instances where citizens are approached by people who want to hire lawyers they know. They may ask them to create a "fake" Power of Attorney form or fill out a fake divorce document. They may even purport to be a legal professional, such as an attorney when attempting to solicit legal services.
Fraudulent people almost universally prefer to do their dirty deeds from behind the scenes without risking being caught or getting in trouble by law enforcement. So they're skilled at preventing people from taking action behind the scenes.
That's why it's essential to get information like that from trusted sources, such as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC has put together its 'Red Flags of Fraud,' a list of the common warning signs that indicate security issues, primarily related to fraud. Here is that link.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. For example, if someone emails you out of the blue and says you won a lottery you didn't enter but need to initiate some form of payment to receive your winnings, you probably didn't win anything.