This is the medical condition resulting when the spinal cord is injured. The central nervous system is the spinal cord and the brain. It is responsible for carrying communication signals and establishing communication between the body and the brain. These injuries can result from car accidents, falling from heights, acts of violence, developmental disorders, tumor, and other diseases. They are incurable.
Spinal Cord Injury Laws concerning the Cord Injury Treatment Act and Social Security Disability have been established to protect individuals with spinal cord injury. As with any personal injury, the plaintiff must demonstrate negligence or wrongful acts by an individual or business enterprise.
There are several common defenses to these claims. For example, this could be contributory or comparative negligence and assumption of the risk. This means that the plaintiff's action contributed to their injury by acting negligently while intoxicated or engaging in high-risk activities where they knew of the dangers. In other words, the plaintiff did not take appropriate measures to avoid the risks that led to their harm.