Gun Control is a set of laws, regulations, and treaties that regulate the sale, ownership, and use of firearms in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Restrictive Gun Laws
While the Constitution guarantees several rights to Americans, arguably the biggest one, particularly in this era of mass shootings in America, is gun control. This amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear armsguns, that isbut what the Second Amendment says remains a hotly debated and contested issue.
Proponents of this amendment, known as 'gun rights' supporters, say that it is abundantly clear, leaving no room for interpretation, that citizens have a right to keep and bear arms. The only way to ensure this right is to arm civilians sufficiently and, if necessary, go so far as to arm criminals. They also argue that this protects people from a repressive government taking control, or in the case of America, from a foreign power like Russia or China deciding to invade as they did in World War II. If the Russians or Chinese come knocking seeking lebensraum or living space, guns will allow them to defend themselves from violence, whether perpetrated by civilians or fighting men.
Anti-gun activists argue that this provision applies to maintaining an armed militia when taken out of context.
They suggest that armed Americans would pose little threat to law and order and that if guns were even more heavily regulated, this would significantly reduce crime.
The gun ownership debate often centers around issues such as concealed carry laws, stand your ground laws, and the rights of states to determine their own firearms policy. Gun owners and gun-control advocates have long argued that there is no justification for private citizens to own military-grade weapons, particularly since the initial purchase cost of the firearms and ammunition often exceeds $2000.
Unfortunately, the rules of gun ownership vary significantly from state to state. Some states allow completely unrestricted gun ownership; others limit the types (and how many) firearms a person can own and how and where they can be carried. Even further, many states place restrictions on who can legally sell guns (both from private buyers and sellers), what requirements must be met to purchase a firearm, the required background checks before a gun can be bought, and restrictions on those who have been convicted of a firearms-related crime or who have a mental health disorder.
Other Weapons
While gun laws are far the most significant area of weapons law, other types of weapons are also regulated in the United States. For example, only certain explosives are available to citizens, and similar laws apply to how often and where they can carry specific blades.