Aviation Law is also largely a matter of federal law, given the national and international nature of aviation itself. However, it is also essential to consider that aviation law's various componentsinternational, federal, and statecan sometimes conflict with each other.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the United States` administration responsible for governing air travel. It's also the primary civil agency charged with civil aviation safety oversight. It regulates all US civil aviation, including matters relating to flight safety, aircraft operations, and personnel certification.
Many states and municipalities have their regulations on aviation. Zoning laws restrict airports' placement to keep them away from residential areas or limit their hours of operation to prevent interference with the usual sleep hours and the quiet enjoyment of residents' homes and property.
Space Law is a branch, or subset, of the law of outer space.
Naturally, this area of the law is relatively new and developing rapidly; however, it already has its own body of legislation, treaties, legal precedents, and a solid academic following. Though space law does not deal with questions of space exploration or technologies, it deals with matters that may come up in outer space (such as in an asteroid settlement).
Space law is a complicated area, but it is an area of law that is growing in importance and size; with NASA planning manned trips to the moon in coming years, it will be an area of the law that is here to stay.