Computer Crime Law is a branch of law dealing with the application of the criminal justice system to computer crime, including illegal access, illegal interception, computer trespass, and computer fraud.

The internet is a beautiful tool from which every business can benefit, but it also poses several risks. Business owners need to protect themselves, their employees, and their customers from internet-related fraud, hacking, and other cybercrime.

Cybercrime is a growing threat to business because it can be carried out from anywhere in the world, at any time, and on a device connected to the internet. Online fraud, hacking, and other cybercrimes are carried out using computers, smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices, against innocent businesses and individuals.

Criminals use the internet for various illegal activities, including:
  1. Fraud
  2. Hacking
  3. Cyber stalking
  4. Phishing
  5. Malware
  6. Identity theft
  7. Spam
  8. Online abduction
  9. Cyberbullying

Laws concerning the criminal liability of computer crimes have been enacted at the state and federal levels. Congress passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1986, which is the basis for prosecuting computer-related criminal activities. Other relevant federal statutes include the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), the Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act of 2008 (ITERA), and specific provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act.

Blackbeard was a pirate from the 18th century. He was known for attacking ships but also for imposing taxes.

Hacking is a computer crime where an intruder sneaks into a network to steal data.

Many people like listening to music, watching movies, and playing video games. However, in the digital age, many people also like to download these files illegallyor what the music industry likes to call "pirating."

Cyber terrorism is a relatively new phenomenon that involves politically motivated attacks against targets such as government websites or commercial networks. The aim is to target large numbers of people and cause fear and panic among the general population. With information security now a significant concern in the aftermath of high-profile hacking, the danger of cyber terrorism is now receiving a great deal of attention.

Cyber Terrorism is a relatively new phenomenon. These crimes involve politically motivated attacks against targets such as government websites or commercial networks. The aim is to target large groups of people and cause fear and panic among the general population. With information security now a significant concern in the aftermath of high-profile hacking, the danger of cyber terrorism is now receiving a great deal of attention. However, actual instances of this type of crime are rare.

Identity Theft and other frauds are significant concerns. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal information to open a credit card, set up utilities, or obtain new loans.

These crimes are not victimless. Computer-related crimes are a fast-growing threat. But cybercriminals are getting smarter, and people are constantly at risk of falling victim to the latest schemes.

Online Casualties

One of the most terrifying and debilitating consequences of criminal actions online is the emotional and social impact they can have. While cyber-bullying and fraud are certain crimes worth addressing, this article is concerned with the second category of crime: crimes of aggression and hate.

While these activities may not produce many stolen credit card numbers or angry emails, they can result in far more damage to the victim. The horrific nature of some of these crimes is well known to the public. Less well-known, however, are the terrible and enduring consequences they can have on the mental health of the victims.

Sexual offenses committed using computers include all kinds of behaviors ranging from sexual harassment in the workplace to child pornography dissemination to online solicitation of underage victims for sex. Federal and state authorities work to combat these offenses with vigor. They have procedures and task forces in place to prosecute offenders. Convicted offenders are often sentenced to decades of incarceration. Law enforcement devotes significant resources to stopping these offenders in their tracks.

Reasons to hire a computer crimes lawyer include:
  • You are accused of a crime involving the hacker subculture (e.g., breaking into someone's account; or using a virus or worm against someone's system.)
  • You have been accused of a crime with an internet component (e.g., a DUI while driving with a hands-free phone.)
  • You are a law enforcement or government employee accused of a computer crime or a bizarre incident involving computers (e.g., computer theft from the police department where you work.)