August 9, 2005 | PDF Version
PASADENA, Calif., BCG Attorney Search announced the release of "The 2005/2006 BCG Attorney Search Guide to Class Ranking Distinctions and Law Review Admission at America's Top-50 Law Schools." The Guide, which has become a fixture in legal-recruiting circles, is currently available in an electronic version at and has already been emailed to more than 5,000 U.S. and international law firms.

The demand for the print copy of the Guide, which should be available in the next six weeks, has been very significant. Law firms' recruiting coordinators are especially clamoring for the release of this year's updated version. As one New York-based recruiting coordinator at an AmLaw 100 firm opined: "I have been using the BCG Law School Guide not only for the rankings but for the wealth of other information that allows one to put numbers in prospective. Other guides offer mostly dry numbers that clog up logic. The BCG guide is by far the most useful."
The Guide is purposely aimed at offering users much more than just sets of GPAs and LSAT scores. Intangible admission, grading, and employment factors, along with factoids that students and alumni of law schools recognize and value, are included in the Guide. The emphasis on such details has become a characteristic trademark and source of pride for the publishers of the BCG Law School Guide. As the CEO of BCG Attorney Search, Harrison Barnes, remarked: "The rankings themselves are only a part of the product we deliver. The uniqueness of this Guide is in the details that are provided for each school that made it to the top-50 list. Our researchers and editors understood the thoroughness that was required in collecting and editing the gathered information. I believe they truly managed to capture the essence of law schools beyond numbers, cut-off points, and ratios."
In addition to law firms' recruiting coordinators, the BCG Law School Guide has been requested by and will be mailed to law libraries and law schools' career service departments across the country. Overall, over 10,000 copies of the Guide are been printed this year, with more than three-quarters already designated for specific recipients. To request a copy of the Guide, inquiries should be emailed to
Source: BCG Attorney Search