Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

They were very good about scheduling the calls, getting the process rolling. I started working with someone who was in California and he transferred me to an associate in New York. The entire process was basically seamless. Another recruiter at BCG picked up where Brian left off. I really appreciated the responsiveness and being able to get the process rolling quickly. It made it a whole lot easier because BCG had their eye and ear to the ground and were able to see what openings were there and get me in the door, which I wasn't able to do on my own. I was also abroad and trying to transfer home so I really didn't have an ear to the ground. I needed someone to advocate on my behalf in the states while I was abroad. I only worked with one other recruiter and he didn't place me. And then I started working with BCG and you did. I think it's pretty clear that you're better than him. I would recommend you.

Shaked Hoter

Boston College Law School, Class Of 2012

Placed at Cooley LLP.

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