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BCG Attorney Search Review

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I really liked the weekly report that was sent. I really liked that my legal placement professional text messaged me and she was really good at checking in and following up on the interviews. It made it 100 percent easier; I found a job in no time. I did not have to write thank you letters, I didn't have to be hunting around. A lot of the jobs aren't posted anywhere. The first three words that come to mind when I think of BCG are helpful, experienced, and productive. BCG is at the top of the list when I think of recruiters. If I was recommending you to others I would tell them that that you are a recruiting firm and that you work really hard to get people jobs. You contact them, and talk with them about their resume and what they want and what they are looking for. You are really good at getting someone a position that they want.

Allison Kheel

The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Class Of 2009

Placed at Fisher & Phillips LLP

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