Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I had a wonderful experience overall. I thought that the firm was extremely responsive, aggressive, and very well organized. I thought the recruiter I worked with, Carleen Trapp, was particularly helpful and she did a great job. She identified a lot of opportunities for me and was of great assistance in terms of helping me make a decision. Working with BCG Attorney Search got me a new job, which is the best part. I was in the process of making a geographic move anyway. Having the firm provide initial targets and then narrow that down to places that fit well with my practice area and profile the type of firm that I was looking to lateral to also made my job search easier. It made what could have been very long and painful processes quite efficient and quite enjoyable. The first three words that come to mind when I think about BCG are responsive, efficient, and organized. I would rank BCG Attorney Search as far and away the best I have ever worked with, no question. I would highly recommend BCG Attorney Search to a peer of mine and let them know that your firm would be a wonderful resource if they were even considering a move. I would do this because your firm would be able to quickly and efficiently identify opportunities, and give them a really good market perspective as to what those options and opportunities would be.

Timothy Bennett

Senton Hall, Class Of 2003

Placed at Seyfarth Shaw LLP.

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