Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I loved the recruiter I was working with, she was super knowledgeable. She understood the schedule that I was working under, you know big law. She was very accommodating to changing things around; she didn't put a whole lot of work on me. It was great.Working with BCG was truly a partnership, where I provided her the information and then she took that information and was able to map that information into something that actually made sense to me. So it wasn't just random jobs, like you get with the blast emails.The first three words that come to mind when I think about BCG are dedicated, thoughtful, and diligent.How would I describe BCG? I would say you guys are excellent. I have worked with one off people before, and you guys are significantly better. You bring to bear an entire staff of recruiters that had connections across the United States and are constantly mining those connections, versus having one person in a very specific market. That also provides you the time to drill down on very specific skill sets. So I would very much recommend your firm, because of your ability to leverage those contacts and also focus on specific skill sets.

Robert Holland

University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Class Of 2012

Placed at Pepper Hamilton LLP

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