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BCG Attorney Search Review

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My favorite thing about working with BCG was my legal placement professional. She was very invested in my search and got to know me in a personal, individual way. I liked the updates that you guys provided regularly. Working with BCG made my job easier in three ways. One is that it would be very, very hard to reach out and connect with all the various law firms that are out there. Two, even if you are able to do that, it's hard to keep track of the various markets for active needs as they come up. But it seemed like it was really a process that was occurring in real time. You guys kept up with what was happening in firms. That's how I ended getting up one of the two offers that I got. It was a firm that needed something quickly, it was something that your office understood, and then it got to my recruiter and she called me right away. The third way is that with my legal placement professional, she was very helpful because she got to know me as a person and as a candidate. She was then able to give me some advice and some perspective on how to consider all of the options that I ultimately had. She also helped to prepare me for each step in the process and provided great counseling. I had a really good recruiter who placed me where I am now, before I came to you guys, and then later on she disappeared. A few years later when I needed her help, she was involved with my company and transitioning people out. So it left me with a feeling that she was attentive and good when I was somebody that she could benefit from, but when she figured she couldn't she disappeared. That was very disappointing. So I would rank you as a ten. It's the best relationship I've had with a recruiting firm in every way. I would describe BCG as very helpful, because of your search process. You cast a wide net and have access to all the leads that are out there. So I think your company is something attorneys should definitely consider. You guys have personal interest and attention that I experienced with my recruiter. I've actually recommended you to people already. I feel very positive about my entire experience.

Mauricio Gonzalez

Cornell, Class Of 2003

Placed at White & Case LLP

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