Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I worked with a recruiter in Houston, and she had so much helpful information about the recruitment process. For example, I'm a transplant [from] New York to Houston, [and] she had a lot of helpful advice on how to answer questions like Why Houston? if you have no ties to Houston or Texas. The coaching I would say was very, very, very top notch. [Working with BCG made my job search] incredibly easier. I submitted my resume to my recruiter, then I had a conversation with her to let her know the things I was looking for in a law firm. She did the rest, and then all of the sudden I had interviews without really having to do very much on my end. [BCG is] competent, very quick, and very prestigious. [Compared to other recruiting companies], I would say by far [BCG is] superior; the top, number one. I would say that BCG really knows their stuff. I highly recommend BCG. They make the process very seamless and very painless. They make sure that each candidate is putting their best foot forward in front of a law firm. I would highly recommend [them].

Mahalia Burford

Cornell, Class Of 2015

Placed at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP.

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