Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I enjoyed the responsiveness. I was licensed in a different state and BCG helped me get a job in a different jurisdiction. I would say that whether [it was] a phone call or an email BCG was very quick to respond. It made it easier because you could really bounce ideas off the BCG individual, sort of as an intermediary. No question was really out of line or too dumb or could be misconstrued any which way. It was nice to have that buffer. [I would describe BCG as] responsive, diligent, and loyal. I have worked with others, [and BCG is] among the best. I worked with two other ones before and so I had come into working with BCG jaded about recruiting services. The others ones were not giving me the type of opportunity that I had merited and BCG was able to obtain many interviews for me. I would describe BCG as a place where you should get with them early on and stick with them. The hiring process is unknown [territory] but BCG will be there to help you navigate the uncharted waters of [your] job search.

Christian Orozco

Vanderbilt University Law School, Class Of 2012

Placed at Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst

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