Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I had burned through a bunch of recruiters who, after there was an initial flurry of excitement kind of fizzled out. Then I wouldn't hear from them until I heard from them. I really liked how BCG and especially my legal placement professional, the one that helped me, were reliable; they checked in, I got weekly reports. I knew that even if I didn't have an opportunity that week, I was still in her thoughts. I felt like I was well taken care of throughout the whole process. It seemed like my legal placement professional and BCG in general understood the market better and knew which firms were likely to hire and which firms were a no go. It just made the whole process a lot less frustrating. I was actually getting interviews with firms [instead of just] not hearing back at all. Not every interview worked out, but it was nice. It felt like I was targeting firms intelligently with BCG. [BCG is] competent, dependable, reliable, friendly, and takes time to understand [my] needs and concerns. [I would rank BCG] highest and first [compared to other recruiting firms]. I would say if you are looking for a lateral law firm move in the Boston area you guys are the best. You seem like you understand what is going on the best and have the best customer service. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you guys to anyone.

Steven Russell

Cornell, Class Of 2007

Placed at Pierce Atwood LLP

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