Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I liked that you had updates as to application views, whether you were under consideration and stuff like that. I liked the fact that you were very transparent with who was looking at the applications, what firms [were] considering [you, and] whether they passed on you or not. I think having that made it a lot easier. Also, the fact that you could just click what firms you wanted to be applied to and which ones you didn't [was helpful]. I liked everything [about working with BCG]. You guys did everything [to make my job search easier]. [Working with BCG] made [my job search] seem significantly easier and you guys also had really good ins to a lot of firms. The firm I ended up with, that position was not [listed] online. I don't know how you guys made the connection, but I know you made it. So definitely that was a big part for sure. [I would describe BCG as] responsive, transparent, and helpful. [BCG is] way better [than other recruiting firms]. I had one that actually just randomly dropped me because she realized I was a federal law clerk. You guys were definitely more personal and professional. I would strongly recommend you guys, for sure. And make sure Carleen gets really good reviews because she's fantastic.

I. M.

West Virginia University College of Law, Class Of 2014

Placed at Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP

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