Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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[My favorite thing about working with BCG Attorney Search was] that there was a level of contact every week. I have worked with other recruiters where basically you talk with them once and then you don't hear from them. So it was very nice that the recruiter that I worked with, Carleen, reached out to me at least once a week. I didn't have to do anything, it was great. She sent me the firms, I elected whether or not to put my hat in the ring and she drafted the cover letter. I was really able to sit back relax and wait and see what happened. [The first three words that come to mind when I think of BCG Attorney Search are] helpful, professional, and successful. As of right now, [you are the] best [legal recruiting firm] I have worked with. [I would tell someone] that if they are looking for a legal job and if they would like to work with a recruiter I highly recommend they get in touch with you.

Anthony Rufo

Suffolk University Law School, Class Of 2009

Placed at DLA Piper.

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