Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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I worked with my legal placement professional. She was very proactive about getting my resume and cover letter out to different people and always keeping me updated and sending me articles to go through. I liked that she was very proactive about getting my name out there. You guys did all the work in terms of drafting cover letters which was very helpful [since] I didn't have to do that myself. Identifying good employers to send my resumes to was really helpful because it took out a lot of the leg work for me. [When I think of BCG Attorney Search] proactive, dedicated, helpful, and knowledgeable [come to mind]...I would put you guys as number one. I would say that it's really helpful to work with you guys because you're proactive. I know some recruiters just sit back and wait and [are] not always on the lookout for new opportunities. [BCG was] really helpful...again, you do a lot of the leg work, drafting cover letters. [I would recommend that] anybody that is looking to find a new position [should] work with you guys. You are very helpful and you have a lot of good clients in terms of placements.

Melanie Rollins

UCLA School of Law, Class Of 2015

Placed at Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, P.L.C.

Los Angeles, CA

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