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BCG Attorney Search Review

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[My favorite thing about BCG was] the communication, with everyone working together across markets and communicating with me as well...I mainly worked with my legal placement professional and she was very on top of everything. She was also very helpful and knowledgeable with interviews and knowing the process, so she helped me a lot with was very responsive [and] took a lot of the time off my hands. Communicating with the firms and also handling some of the awkward conversation situations, being that middle person really helped [made my job search easier]. [The words that come to mind when I think of BCG are] friendly, professional, and top tier. I've worked with several recruiters and overall BCG was just much better. Based on the recruiting companies that I worked with I would say [you are] number one. And I've worked with someone at Parker Lynch, Wegman, and then a couple of other solo people. Each for different reasons, I think BCG was the best. [BCG] was very friendly and knowledgeable and responsive. They have good connections to the firms and a good brand for getting you out there and working for different firms to get you where you want to be.

Ebonee Tinker

University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class Of 2016

Placed at Ballard Spahr LLP.

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