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BCG Attorney Search Review

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I would say Becca's responsiveness and thoroughness with explanations providing as much contact as possible [was my favorite part of working with BCG]. I just left it in her hands. The only thing that I needed to do was to do great interviews. Other than that she managed all of it. [BCG is] very knowledgeable, [has] expertise, [and] you've got great staff in terms of their expertise as well as experience in the field. Also, I would just add that [I liked] the responsiveness and I liked the reporting thing that you do on a weekly basis. [BCG has] all the tools in place to make sure that the candidate has an up to date picture of what their candidacy looks like. [You are] by far the best and I have worked with lots. I would definitely recommend you guys. I would describe the company as thorough [and] knowledgeable. You know the field [and] have lots of information and resources that are available to candidates.

Amber Hilliard

George Washington University Law School, Class Of 2008

Placed at Seyfarth Shaw LLP

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