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BCG Attorney Search Review

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My legal placement professional was very helpful in explaining the process as I had never worked with a recruiter before. I actually had never been through interviews or any of it as I had clerked where I got my first position, so she was helpful in explaining the process of everything to me. She was also very responsive and nice to work with. She knew of the opportunities for me and she set up the interviews and that made it easier with the traveling and such. I have never worked with a recruiter, so I have no benchmark to compare my experience to accept that I did talk to one recruiter a month before her and she wasn't very helpful and she said there really wasn't any work as I was moving from Florida to Colorado. She said there was really no way, and wasn't hopeful at all and didn't even try and was trying to push me into looking at markets like Atlanta and Chicago and other markets where I didn't want to work just because I think it would have been easier for her if I looked in those markets whereas my legal placement professional was realistic but was hopeful and it ended up working out and that was a lot better than the other experience than I had.

Lacey Croy

University of Florida Levin College of Law, Class Of 2012

Placed at Holland & Knight LLP

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