Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

BCG is prompt and responsive and within less than a day of me talking to my legal placement professional, she had already gotten me with the firms to target and started doing research for me. The speed was important because I was on a really short time table. I had let her know that, and she jumped right into action and was super responsive and prompt. She reviewed my materials and gave them some thought and quickly got them out there as soon as I got them back to her. She identified a really good opportunity and jumped on it and ended up working out. Working with her took all of the footwork that I would have had to do in terms of researching what firms to target, applying to those firms, which is the big thing, you know filling out all of the many page long combo box drop down to plug in your education and all of that like you do when you apply directly like through a website. I didn't have to do any of that. I just sent her my materials and she took it from there. I have only talked with 1 other recruiter and she was fine as well, but she didn't seem to know the market as well. I feel like with my legal placement professional, she had a much better handle on the firms in that location and firms that would be good targets for me. My confidence level with my legal placement professional was very important for me.

Steven Mach

Cornell University Law School, Class Of 2016

Placed at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

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