Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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One of the best things about working with BCG is the access to law firms that BCG has. BCG seems to be working with a lot of the top tier law firms in the country. Very exciting for me that I got Associate. The other thing I really liked about working with BCG was working with my legal placement professional. She has been the person I have been in contact with, in terms of just working with BCG. She has been really great. There are a few things about working with BCG that made my job search easier. Just knowing which firms are looking. A lot of firms are not going to post things on job boards. They may just reach out to a search firm like BCG for help, so that was one of the things that made it easier for sure. Another thing that helped was getting advice, interview advice, and being able to walk through with my legal placement professional, just what the firms like to hear, what they don't like to hear, interview questions, thank you emails, things like that. BCG is one of the best legal recruiting firms.

Daryoush Behbood

University of Texas School of Law, Class Of 2015

Placed at Koss & Schonfeld, LLP

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