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BCG Attorney Search Review

I think my legal placement professional is very proactive and very responsive. Every time I had question, no matter what kind of question, whether about my resume, an opening or about an interview question, she always responded very quickly. In terms of BCG Search, the biggest advantage is that it has a very large database and works with a lot of law firms, so there are a lot of exclusive opportunities that are only posted on BCG's website. What really saved me time was I think the system, how the whole process works, like she would send me a link so that I could view the opening that required my approval and shows each opportunity and how far it goes. The system works very well and makes it very intuitive and easy for a candidate to get a knowledge of what kind of opportunity is available and what are the process in terms of each opportunity. BCG a lot of established information in their systems, like if you are going to have an interview, BCG has a book to tell you about the process, how to ace the interview, and if you have a call back, then BCG will have a book for you on the helpful tips and tricks on how to answer a call back. I think BCG is absolutely the best.

Zhuo Chen

Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Class Of 2014

Placed at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

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