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BCG Attorney Search Review

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I would say that my legal placement professional was extremely attentive, sometimes I would message or email her on the weekend not expecting her to reply until Monday, but I did it when I had it in my head and she would reply right away which I was always surprised at and told her she didn't have to do. She was extremely attentive and responsive. She was also very understanding and I didn't feel pressured by her. I felt like she was really a pleasure to work with, so friendly and made me feel really comfortable. I think that the facilitation of having another point of contact, someone who has either an established relationship with a firm or just some other point of contact with them helped get answers faster, responses faster, whether they were positive or negative, at least you could move on and focus on other areas so I feel like it facilitated the overall speed of the process and there was definitely opportunities that she found that I don't think I would have found on my own. I would say that she is absolutely outstanding and I really enjoyed working and communicating with her and thought she was extremely professional and understanding and overall a really great resource.

Kara Maddalena

Northeastern University School of Law, Class Of 2014

Placed at McCracken, Stemerman & Holsberry, LLP

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