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BCG Attorney Search Review

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One thing I liked a lot about my legal placement professional was that she was super friendly and really responsive, and in her communications with perspective employers, she was very professional but also cheerful with them, which is kind of nice being the same way I would interact with people. She was a good person to have representing me because I felt like her approach was similar to my own which I really liked. BCG made my search easier in a lot of ways. I was out of the country for starters, and I had no easy way of doing a job search. It was super helpful to work with you guys and she to be able to get a job lined up. You guys are the only recruiting firm I have worked with, but I have had a really great experience. It was all positive, and I feel like she and I dialoged about my specific circumstances. We talked about what would make the most sense, what to try, and had a couple of conversations along those lines. I felt like I was being personally and individually represented. It worked out really well.

Joseph Hansen

University of Minnesota Law School, Class Of 2010

Placed at Latham & Watkins LLP.

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