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BCG Attorney Search Review

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My legal placement professional was just great, from the intake and talking with me about opportunities and tidying up my resume to my experience and the negotiations, it was really great dealing with her! You essentially took care of everything. Helping with the pre-process of ensuring I was showing all of my qualifications and skills in the best possible way. [She made it easier by] searching for positions that would be best for me and making those arrangements. During the offer of employment and those negotiations and conversations she worked directly with the firm for me so it was very good. I didn't have to do much on my end except communicate with my legal placement professional and obviously do the interviews and stuff, but other than that BCG handled everything so that was great!Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A. I have not used anyone other than BCG in the past but in putting myself out there for a new position I did get called by recruiters from other firms and I would have to say that I prefer BCG over the other firms. You seem to have it more together in terms of really looking out for the candidate you are working with and trying to look at various positions. Also, working with candidate to have them present themselves the best possible way they can. I didn't necessarily get that feeling from the other 2 or 3 recruiting firms that I spoke to.

Fabiola Rivera

Loyola University School of Law, Class Of 2004

Placed at Lozano Smith.

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