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BCG Attorney Search Review

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My legal placement professional was incredibly thorough, number 1, and very responsive to my needs. She really found some excellent firms that were interested in me and my skill set and really overall I thought it was such an easy experience and I highly, highly recommend my legal placement professional. She did a great job!Me in particular, I am currently living in Montana and was trying to find a job in Wisconsin, and in kind of a specific area in Wisconsin. My legal placement professional gave me some really good options, not only in Milwaukee, and in the area I eventually want to live. I ended up taking an offer at one of those firms and I was over there for 1 weekend and a couple extra days and did some interviews and had some offers about a week to a week and a half later for the firms. I only had to go over there one time and it was really, really easy... almost too easy.I hadn't worked with any other [recruiting firms] before, but I can't imagine anyone would be as good as you guys. It was almost too easy and I am incredibly grateful for the work that my legal placement professional put in and it made it just so easy for me and I really enjoyed the experience.

Alex Stacey

Notre Dame Law School, Class Of 2018

Placed at Menn Law Firm, Ltd.

Appleton, Wi

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