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BCG Attorney Search Review

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I appreciated how I felt my legal placement professional was really personable and friendly. She wanted to get in touch personally and it didn't feel like an impersonal form email. I worked with other recruiters where it felt like every correspondence was not actually written by them and it was some form letter and I didn't feel that way with my legal placement professional at all which I really appreciated.There was access to job postings that I wasn't finding on my own. There was some negotiation because I am a plaintiff's side attorney and I really wanted to stick with plaintiff's side work. Initially I was open to looking at defense side opportunities, but I really found out that that wasn't the route for me so we had to negotiate that shift of finding only plaintiff side opportunities. I know that was a little bit more challenging for my legal placement professional because of the seniority level that I was at and the sheer number of plaintiff side opportunities is a lot less. After we worked through that process she heard me and found the plaintiff side opportunity that ended up working out for me.I wanted to also give a shout out to Brian, who was my legal placement professional's supervisor. He gave some great interview tips and I appreciated his interview cheat sheet that he supplied to me. I had so many interviews that by the end I was declining the offer to get that prep because I had heard it and used the cheat sheet; however, initially in the process it was super helpful. I also appreciated that that offer was always there. Brian always reached out before an interview and said if you would like to talk before the interview let me know. That attention was really welcome and appreciated.

Taeva Shefler

New York University School of Law, Class Of 2013

Placed at Robins Borghei LLP.

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