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BCG Attorney Search Review

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She was great because she had big law experience and her background wassimilar to mine so we met eye to eye on what I was looking for which makethe process a lot easier. She was really responsive and we hit it offimmediately. BCG's online format was good - you could see exactly what firmsyou applied to, it was very orderly. Becca was very easy to get in touchwith if I ever had any questions. The facilitation of information wasseamless which was the best part. The whole experience was fantastic! Beccaand BCG both get 10 out of 10.Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A. I worked with one other one and I would say that BCG was the best,specifically because Becca herself had such a great background and theymatched me up with someone appropriate. Also because of the orderliness ofthe online format - it was easier to gauge the process.Jared CoppotelliGeorgetown University Law Center, Class of 2015Placed at Winston & Strawn

Jared Coppotelli

Georgetown University Law Center, Class Of 2015

Placed at Winston & Strawn LLP

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