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BCG Attorney Search Review

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BCG was very user friendly; the website was very easy and accepting. All ofthe different Q&A's on the website were very helpful. Working with my legal placement professional was fabulous - I couldn't have asked for anyone better! She was always thereto answer my questions. She was great about reaching out to firms that Ifound or she found. She was very proactive throughout everything. I alwayshad a lot of questions and she was always very willing to answer them so Iappreciated that. She never made me feel like I was bothering her even whenI was pestering her with repeat questions.I didn't have to do too much at all. It was nice that she streamlinedeverything for me. I was swamped at work and I really don't know how I wouldhave done it without someone helping me. It took it from something I didn'tknow how I would have done to something that was very easy. I reallyappreciate everything BCG did for me. It was a great process and I ended upat a firm that I absolutely love. It was all great!Samantha GerencirEmory University School of Law, Class of 2018Placed at Zuckerman Spaeder LLP

Samantha Gerencir

Emory University School of Law, Class Of 2018

Placed at Zuckerman Spaeder LLP

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