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BCG Attorney Search Review

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She was on it and didn't pester too much but stayed in contact. She didn't just communicate via email, she also sent texts so that gives a little more of a personal touch. It makes it seems like things are moving and they actually care and that you aren't just one out of a million applicants. I know that is a hard thing to balance for recruiters. They are either not on it or they are pestering you all of the time, one of the two. She found the right balance of that.

You have a nice online portal where you can pick the firms that you want to apply to and reject the ones that you already applied to or plan on doing yourself. I thought that was a nice feature. I have worked with a bunch of other companies and nobody else has anything like that. It is usually just email communications and a lot of times they won't even tell you who the firm is so you are just wasting your time talking to people when they won't let you know. It is kind of a waste of time to go back and forth if you have already applied there or you don't want to work there so.

Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you have used?

A. I would put you at the top! I also thought a lot of the emails that you sent out to everybody were pretty helpful with tips and pitfalls to avoid, the interview process and making partner and all those sorts of things. I think those emails are really helpful to read.

Christopher Ruprecht

University of Kansas School of Law, Class Of 2010

Placed at Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, L.L.P

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