Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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How quickly the process worked for me. Carleen and I started talking in October and I had interviews and got a job offer by late November, early December. It [using a recruiter] helped a lot! I was originally told not to use a recruiter because sometimes firms won't pay for the fee, but that was the wrong advice because I did a lot of job searching on my own and applying on my own and that led to absolutely nothing! The second that I started working with a recruiter I had immediate interest and interviews so obviously that network was really important. Especially for me coming out of state and not being licensed in CO yet, that made all the difference to me! Carleen is great! We didn't have a ton of communication because it wasn't necessary but anytime I needed her she was quick and just really lovely.Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you may have used?A. In April, when I first started looking into moving to Colorado I started looking at recruiters and spoke to one. I told her exactly what I wanted out of a firm and was very descriptive and she immediately sent me back 4 or 5 firms and when I looked at them online I realized she was not listening to me. It's clear that she just wanted a big commission because these firms pay a lot more but they were just not what I am looking for and I got really frustrated. When I spoke with Carleen I felt like she really listed to exactly what I was looking for and knew the kind of firm I wanted. Also, it was really sweet - when I did get a job she reached out and was really nice about it and said she could tell I was really despairing and I am so glad we could help. I feel like she regarded me more as a person.

Elise Reecer

Vanderbilt Law School, Class Of 2017

Placed at Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP

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