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BCG Attorney Search Review

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My legal placement professional made the process very simplified for me. She explained everything step by step and didn't get annoyed when I had silly or stupid questions, I really used her a lot throughout the process. She read through my writing sample, she wrote cover letters for me, anytime I would email back and forth with a law firm I would send the email to her and have her read it over first. She was really an invaluable resource for me. I really enjoyed working with her! She was holding my hand through every step. She was always available when I called or texted her, even when it was at night, which I really appreciated. I know I personally don't like being bothered by work stuff at all hours, but she didn't make me feel bad about reaching out to her. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you have used?A. I used a recruiting firm a few years ago but BCG and my legal placement professional were far more helpful than the other firm I used.

Stephanie Greene

Harvard Law School, Class Of 2014

Placed at Roche Freedman LLP

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