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BCG Attorney Search Review

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Becca was super responsive, very optimistic, supportive, and encouraging. She was very good about giving clear, constructive and specific advice. I found her to be very candid and honest which is very important because you want to be able to trust your recruiter and feel like they are looking out for your interests. 80% of the process was pretty hands off for me. I knew the applications were going out and I felt like I was job searching without doing all of the heavy lifting until it came time for the interview. Even there, communicating with the firm and their HR department - a lot of that Becca handled so I could just focus on preparing for the interview and the substantive aspect of it and giving my best in the interview.I had a great experience and I really enjoyed working with Becca and if I need a job again, she will be the first person I call!Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you may have used?A. The best so far! BCG Attorney Search

Maja Lukic

Cornell Law School, Class Of 2010

Placed at Gerard Fox Law, PC

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