Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

It really seemed like my legal placement professional and BCG had a plan and were willing to work the problem. I had contacted other recruiters but I would very quickly get back a "No, there isn't really anything out there" whereas with my legal placement professional and BCG there was initially a long list of stuff. It was more of a "well, you may not be exactly the description they are looking for but a lot of times when people see a certain resume they want to talk to you." She was always very pleasant to talk to and seemed to have a good plan and moving forward. She seemed to be on top of a number of possibilities to at least explore, which was a lot better than any other search firm that I have contacted. It felt like progress was always being made.The online portal [made my job search easier] and also she gave me advice and we discuss things about my resume, which I thought was very helpful and gave me pointers from her perspective. It seemed like she vetted a lot of the firms first and then would give me the listing of firms and ask me to go through them. It wasn't a narrow focus and more of a broad focus and saying we have these number of firms, maybe you don't fit exactly what they are looking for but she would forward my information to them anyway because sometimes getting your resume sparks an idea or maybe they start thinking that maybe this person would fit. I think that is actually what happened with the firm where I landed, quite frankly. They hadn't even officially started advertising for a position and they got my resume it fit something else they thought would be a really good fit for legal placement professional was a very easy person to work with. She offered great advice and wouldn't over inflate advice she was getting. She would tread the line between being hopeful and realistic. The products that BCG offered really seemed to be advantageous and very helpful. If I ever hear of another friend that is looking to make a move to another state or make a transition, the first place that I will point them is with my legal placement professional and BCG . Ya'll seem to really have developed an effective system. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's? A. I have worked with a few and as far as effectiveness I would definitely put you at the top!

Douglas Gallagher

Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Class Of 2003

Placed at Ladas & Parry LLP

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