Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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She had done her research before calling me and she was really knowledgeable about the market and answered all of my questions. Really took the time to figure out what I wanted which I thought was different from other recruiters. She really listened to the types of firms I was looking for, she made suggestions. Generally, she was interested to know me, is the best way to describe it.

It was all done in 2 months so it was made really easy and she worked really hard. She crafted the cover letter and asked relevant questions. She did an amazing job and worked really hard. I had nothing to do except click on approving firms, she pretty much took care of everything. She kept me in the loop at all times. Every time she would receive an email she would let me know. She made herself available to answer my questions even super early in the morning. She prepared me for the interviews. We went through the difficult questions because I was relocating so I had only been with my current job for a year. We got from a couple recruiting coordinators the question of why I was not transferring to [previous firm] in San Francisco as opposed to looking for a new job. She helped me craft an answer that is better than one I would have come up with myself.

Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

A. #1! Definitely much better service than any other recruiting agency I have used. I had actually stopped using recruiters altogether because I felt like they were just trying to pawn me off on the first possible firm as opposed to really listening to what I had to say. I have a different background for a lot of people because I come from France so a lot of recruiters were not paying attention to what I was saying and Zsaleh, in that respect, was amazing! I definitely think BCG is the best recruiting agency.

Melissa Hughes
The UCLA School of Law, Class of 2016

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