Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

The good thing about working with BCG in general is all of the resources and articles. The job search showed that the firm itself was very familiar with the type of industry I was in. I was at a very large law firm and you could tell by the way they put out articles and the things they talked about (how to prep for interviews, how to do a job search) really did show familiarity with the industry - that was highly appealing and made me feel better about the process. Everyone was extremely responsive which is always good. A combination of these 2 things - responsiveness, client service and it was very apparent the firms were familiar with the legal market.[my legal placement professional] scoped out opportunities that I didn't know existed and handled a lot of the administrative work. This was my first time doing anything like this in the legal industry and I didn't know if I asked "X or Y" how it would look and my legal placement professional was able to say, "what we normally see is this" or "that is not common practice" and that was tremendously helpful. It is always nice to have that resource. BCG Search always had articles put out, I think by the founder. The articles are very good and accurate. It showed a lot of knowledge of the legal industry which is very appealing so it isn't just another person sending you what you thought was spam email- at Proskauer we would get recruiting emails every day. All of the articles are so accurate that I was comfortable enough to say "Okay, here's a place that maybe, unlike the others, really knows the industry." It made me that much comfortable and gave me faith in working with BCG. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A. I had spoken with other firms before but this was by far the best one.

Sergio Marin

University of Connecticut School of Law, Class Of 2018

Placed at Murtha Cullina LLP.

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