Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

Working with BCG gave me access to opportunities that weren't necessarily posted in the market place. The job I ended up accepting, the firm wasn't advertising an open role but my legal placement professional sent my resume to them anyway and they were interested and interviewed me. If I hadn't been working with BCG I would not have had the opportunity that I ended up taking.Something I found helpful was the website where I could login to my account and look at the firms that had open positions and I could pick which ones I was interested in and keep track through the website of where I had applied and where I was in the process. Having that organization was really helpful. Also, before interviews I had phone calls with my legal placement professional where she went through some tips on topics to cover, topics to avoid, how to answer questions. I found that information very useful and used that information she gave me to create an outline that I then used to prepare for every interview. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting firms that you may have used?A. The highest! I had the most success through you guys but also it seemed to be the most comprehensive. I reached out to several other recruiting firms early in the process and BCG immediately responded and some other firms responded slowly or not at all. BCG immediately set me up with an account and it came together very quickly and very naturally.

Alison Holdway

New York University School of Law, Class Of 2014

Placed at Greenberg Traurig, L.L.P

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