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BCG Attorney Search Review

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[My favorite things about working with BCG and Sarah] was the weekly updates on how things were going. Sarah was also very responsive and very in touch over text. It was very useful to get updates over text because text worked better for me at times. She adapted to making text work since that is what worked well for me so I appreciated that as well. It made it easier to have the information easily and readily available and to have her available via text whenever she had a question or wanted to follow up on something. She was very easy to access.[Working with BCG made my job search] so much easier! Sarah was able to do the background work and talk to the firms hiring people to "make the sale" if you will. It took the pressure off of me of having to make a cover letter and having to do the searching around to find those positions - some positions may not even have been posted. I like the online portal and tracking system. She would send me a list of places she wanted to apply to and you just approve or not approve those applications. That was super helpful and the tracking capabilities were also super helpful. I had a very positive experience. I felt comfortable talking to Sarah. A couple times I would tell her "I don't know if I can do this today" and she would come through with a pep talk about this is why it is important to do this and giving me options. I cannot emphasize enough how much I liked the weekly updates and her accessibility via text.Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A. BCG is more comprehensive. At the beginning, before I even started searching, Sarah and I had a good conversation about if I still wanted to practice anymore and what was I looking for and what was interesting to me. In my mind she searched around for things that would be suitable for me instead of saying "I have this" and trying to fit me into something that was already on her plate.In terms of the structure of things, as I mentioned, such as the tracking - not just of where things had been sent but the status of the application was super helpful and the weekly updates. BCG is the best of the ones that I have worked with or that I have heard about those friends have worked with.

Renee-Lauren Ellis

Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, Class Of 2010

Placed at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

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