Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

My legal placement professional was super responsive. I had some experiences with other places and that hasn't always been the case. My legal placement professional was particular well suited to work with me because she had the big firm background and has made moves away from that and that is what I was looking to do too. Even when I wasn't hearing from her I knew she was working because there would be something she was showing me, either new firms or just checking in. A lot of it was her constant communication and being really responsive. My legal placement professional was great and did a really good job and I enjoyed working with her!I ended up at a firm that frankly I probably wouldn't have heard of and when I researched it after she sent it to me I was like "wow!" I didn't even know they existed and didn't know they did what I was looking for. It gave me an idea of a lot of different firms that I probably wouldn't have even looked at. Q.Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A.Easily the best! It hadn't been as formal of a search as this last one was but the few people I have communicated with in the past, I would check in after 2 or 3 weeks....[inaudible]. It was nice to get the constant communicate and that's not something you always get from other recruiters. You guys were far and away the best.

James Burrows

Marquette University Law School, Class Of 2011

Placed at Bosshard Parke LTD.

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